Milling project covers 12 locations
Posted On 23 Sep, 2019
The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) expects to complete a milling project at 12 highway locations in southeast Kansas next Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 24-25, weather permitting.
The milled material will be used in future highway preservation projects. 
KDOT maintenance crews will place asphalt patches on each milled section. Flaggers will direct one-lane traffic through each milling site, with brief delays. The road work is scheduled to take place between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. each day.
Sept. 24 milling locations:
- K-7, Mami County, 2.7 miles north of the Linn-Miami county line;
- K-31, Anderson County, near the intersection of K-31 and Osage Street at Kincaid;
- U.S. 69, Bourbon County, 0.4 miles north of the 12th Street intersection at Fort Scott;
- U.S. 69, Bourbon County, north of the KDOT maintenance shop at Fort Scott;
- U.S. 400, Cherokee County, 2 miles east of Cherokee;
- U.S. 400, Labette County, 2.2 miles west of the Labette-Cherokee county line.
Sept. 25 milling locations:
- U.S. 75, Montgomery County, 1 mile north of Independence;
- U.S. 166, Montgomery County, 0.5 miles east of the Montgomery-Chautauqua county line;
- U.S. 166, Chautauqua County, 2.5 miles west of the U.S. 166/K-99 junction;
- K-99, Elk County, 1 mile south of Howard;
- K-99, Elk County, 3 miles south of the U.S. 400/K-99 junction;
- K-99, Greenwood County, 1.3 miles south of the U.S. 400/K-99 junction.
Dustrol Inc. of Towanda is contractor on the $19,780 project. Driver are reminded to watch for the signs and flaggers and slow down at the work zone. Persons with questions may contact Priscilla Petersen at (620) 902-6344.